Gain 10... 15... Even 25 Yards Of Laser-Accurate Distance And Consistency Off The Tee... By Hitting Down On The Ball Instead Of Up!

If you’re like 95% of amateur golfers out there...

You struggle hitting your driver consistently, which:

  • Robs you of distance...
  • Keeps you from finding fairways...
  • And causes blow up rounds that kill your confidence.

Now, if you’ve ever wondered why you can’t hit your driver flush whenever you tee it up…it’s simple. Truth is...

There Is ONLY ONE REASON You’re Inconsistent With Your Driver Right Now…

And it has NOTHING to do with anything you’ve been told by experts...

Nothing you’ve ever seen on YouTube...

And it definitely has nothing to do with getting fitted for that hot new $500 driver.

Even things like increasing your swing speed... keeping your head still... or swinging inside out...

NONE of that matters if you don’t fix what’s REALLY causing your inconsistency off the tee.

And here’s the worst part...

If you don’t fix this... those short, crooked drives that leave you thinking twice about ever taking your driver out of the bag...

Will continue to haunt you, year after year.

But It’s Not All Bad News — Your Driving Struggles Are About To Be Over

Because Todd Kolb... a man who’s helped over 100,000 golfers fix poor contact... hit longer drives... and transform their golf games...

Is going to show you the simplest, easiest way to ALWAYS hit your driver on the sweet spot...

  • So you add 15 to 25 yards of effortless distance...
  • Radically improving your consistency...
  • And begin confidently shooting lower scores — almost immediately.

Even if you have struggled to hit the ball consistently flush your entire life.

It all comes down to something Todd calls “center strike contact” — which allows you to use a downward swing arc (with a high launch) to get the ball up into the air...

This Fixes 90% Of All Big Misses With Your Driver...

Because if you strike the ball in the dead center of the clubface — you automatically fix almost all of your problems off the tee...

Just like it has for these golfers...

Mike Euper

"I've always been fearful of my driver, but after hitting this club a few times today... I was screaming it right off the face of the club today, right down the middle"

– Mike Euper, 5 handicap

Dave Fanning

"I was surprised that, with the Monza, being a shorter club, that it would go as far as my driver does..."

– Dave Fanning

Here’s the craziest part...

These golfers didn’t transform their contact, driving distance, or consistency... until they STOPPED Hitting UP on the ball with a conventional driver...

And began using a revolutionary new club engineered with Cantilever technology that slings the ball high in the air from a downward strike...

This Secret Allows You To Hit Your Tee Shots
With Virtually The Same Downward Strike Point As A
Flush 7 Iron Swing


Which, if you’re like most golfers, is waaaaay easier AND more consistent to repeat...

This one change helps you launch each drive consistently farther and straighter than you ever imagined possible.

That’s why, it doesn’t matter if you struggle to break 90 or 100 right now...

Or even if you can barely make consistent contact with your driver if your life depended on it...

All of your consistency problems off the tee — every single one of them — can permanently be fixed by swapping out your driver... and hitting just 5 practice shots on the range.

Imagine turning your slices, hooks, tops and worm-burners into perfectly straight, flushed drives...

Drives that fly 15 to 25 yards farther right down the middle of the fairway...

You’ll Shave 3... 5... Even 7 Plus Strokes Off Of Your Very Next Round

All because instead of hitting UP on the ball, you began hitting DOWN off the tee, using this revolutionary new technology... and a simple 5-shot practice sequence.

Now, if you’re thinking... here we go again, another “miracle driver” that promises the world and then fails me on the course...

Well, this isn’t just another new driver...

It’s the world’s first driver designed to be hit using a downward swing arc — that guarantees center strike contact after only 5 practice shots.

No need to worry about your head moving... or how fast or slow your clubhead speed is...

No need to worry about your age, your flexibility, rotation, or even your strength...

Just address the #1 cause of your struggles off the tee...

Activate “center strike contact” in your next session on the range...

And You’ll Never Struggle Off The Tee — Ever Again

That’s why you need to turn off all distractions and pay close attention for the next few minutes...

Because this is like nothing you have EVER heard before...

This breakthrough will allow you to finally depend on your driver when you need it most...

And never be embarrassed by weak, mishit tee shots — ever again.

Are you ready?

Because PGA Teacher of the Year Todd Kolb has shared secrets and introduced breakthrough products that have helped over 100,000 golfers fix virtually every area of their games... and today will be no different.

You’re probably wondering...

But How On Earth Can Anyone Gain Consistent Distance And High Launch — By Hitting DOWN With Their Driver?

That seems completely opposite of what we’re being told by every golf expert...

And obviously with today’s typical driver you DO need to hit up on the ball...

But let’s look at that more closely and why it’s so difficult...

Let’s start with the fact that this tiny ball is actually suspended 3 inches in the air... that alone requires considerable hand-eye coordination and timing.

But that’s only the beginning... because swinging up on the ball also forces you to tilt your shoulders back and that moves the bottom of the swing arc BEHIND the ball...

This forces your hands to make micro-adjustments — we’re talking about millimeters here — in order to square the face at impact...

Most golfers don’t. But when you turn your wrists even a few degrees off path... which is easy to do... the clubface then rotates open or closes too much. Because...

“Hitting Up” Makes It Almost Impossible To Consistently Create ‘Center Strike’ Contact

Can you see why “hitting up” is such a consistency killer?

It’s the exact reason you hit a good drive on one hole... and then lose your swing on the very next one.

And unless you are blessed with highly gifted hand-eye coordination and timing, you will always battle inconsistency.

Especially because the timing and feel is completely different from your 7-iron swing… which is typically the most reliable contact for any golfer.

Every other club in your bag, putter excepted, requires you to hit DOWN on the ball…

But with my driver, I have to not only hit UP, but do it with the ball suspended in mid-air.

This Causes Four Main Misses That Kill Your Consistency Off The Tee

The first consistency killer — number one — is slicing.

We all know slicing is caused by the clubface being open at impact 1 or 2 degrees relative to the path.

Without fail, a clubface that is a fraction open at impact will produce a slice. And hitting up on a ball suspended 3 inches in the air forces you to hang back and time it perfectly with your hands.

But therein lies the problem: anytime you rely on your tiny wrist muscles for something... literally anything can happen.

The second big consistency killer — number two — is toe and heel shots.

Because swinging up on the ball forces you to drop your right shoulder to even get the ball in the air.

And this automatically moves the center of the swing arc behind the ball. This is when the hands take over.

And AGAIN — most golfers lose control of the driver head... causing a toe shot on one swing and a heel shot the next.

The third consistency killer — number three — which we think of as popups or “sky balls.”

When you hit up on a ball suspended 3 inches in the air, it’s super easy to swing too far under the ball...

That’s because you are dealing with variables that change every tee shot... like ball position and tee height.

So if you move the ball position or tee height by a fraction of an inch... that moves the impact strike point, resulting in pops-ups that kill your round.

The fourth consistency killer is what we call “topping” the ball.

If you’ve ever topped a drive and watched it dribble off the front of the tee box, then you know this pain.

This mostly comes from trying to overcompensate for the other issues. You either pull up too early OR you fail to hit “up” with a conventional driver — causing you to hit across the top of the ball.

Can you see how each of those contact issues robs you of distance and consistency?

Frustrating, right? Well you must understand that...

Your Inconsistency Off The Tee IS... NOT... YOUR... FAULT

You’re burdened with a nearly impossible mission... again, UNLESS you have world-class hand-eye coordination, flawless timing, and countless hours to practice... ideally starting at a young age.

That said, what’s the solution?

You can’t hit DOWN on the ball with your conventional driver, right?


Dead wrong, in fact.

You can’t do that with MOST drivers... but there IS one exception.

And if you want ANY chance to hit that driver in your bag consistently in the center of the face, you’re going to need to start swinging down on the ball instead of up on it…

Is It Really Possible to Hit DOWN With Your Driver To Gain Distance And Consistency — Especially WITHOUT Changing Your Swing?


The answer was discovered by an award winning inventor and club designer who looked at this research and knew this has become a HUGE problem.

His name is Jeff Halstead.

And he used to work for industry giants like TaylorMade. Jeff’s creations have earned Hot List Gold Medals from Golf Digest multiple times.

And he’s finally figured out a way that an amatuer golfer can swing down on the ball — to guarantee center strike contact — but get the high launch and distance of a driver…

He knew golfers don’t have more time to practice or make radical changes to your swing. That’s just too much time. So he worked on a way to...

Combine The Consistency Of Your Downward Swing Arc, Forward Strike Point Of Your 7-Iron, And Lower Tee Height... With Driver Distance


I know that sounds almost too good to be true.

But common sense tells us that it’s easier to contact something on the ground than in the air...

Think about a soccer ball, for example. It’s way easier to kick the ball on the ground. Even a child who’s never played can do that.

However, if you put that same ball in the air — it becomes much harder.

Yet if we can eliminate this variable and just hit the ball closer to the ground, like we do with our irons and hybrids — and we remove the need for any wrist activity...

Then pure contact becomes immediately easier.

Finally, A Revolutionary Driver That Allows You To Hit The Ball Much Closer To The Ground


Traditionally, your driver’s entire design... the shaft length, the center of gravity, the loft... all of it was designed to hit the ball off an elevated tee.

So hitting UP on the ball AND finding center strike contact — consistently, at least — is extremely hard for any amateur.

And THAT is the real reason why amatuer golfers are not getting better, no matter how much they practice.

I don’t care if you’re using the most expensive driver on earth and have 110 miles per hour of swing speed... without something called “center strike contact” — you won’t EVER gain any distance off the tee.

This is more than just hitting the sweet spot...

Trackman data proves that center strike contact stops the face from opening and closing — also known as gear effect.

And, striking the ball in the dead center will freeze the clubface and keep the ball dead online.

And dead flush contact is only activated when the low point of the swing is out in front of the ball...

Just Like A Flush 7-Iron That Strikes The Ball First Then Makes A Perfect Dollar Bill Divot

Swinging down with your driver — just like your 7-iron — automatically moves the low point of the swing in front...

This automatically takes your hands and wrists out of the equation...

And dramatically increases your chances of center strike contact.

That’s what makes this one of the biggest breakthroughs in golf club technology ever...

It’s our honor to introduce...


The FIRST EVER driver that allows you to leverage your natural downward swing arc to gain immediate distance and consistency

With Monza, you can tee it up a LOT closer to the ground... swing down like you do your 7-iron... and make center strike contact, every single time.

And you can use a MUCH lower tee height for automatic control.

We’re talking just barely off the ground, which still allows high launch, yet is MUCH easier to make center strike contact.

And because Monza leverages your 7-iron swing — the most consistently flush contact amateur golfers make — there’s almost zero learning curve.

With just 5 practice swings, using the exact instructions and video training the company includes for new customers... you’ll be puring every single shot off the tee and...

You’ll Be Hitting It Farther Than You Do Your Driver Right Now...

  • WITHOUT swinging harder...
  • WITHOUT rotating more...
  • WITHOUT swinging from the inside...
  • WITHOUT changing a single thing about your current swing.

Skeptical? Great!

Because we took some golfers out and this is what we saw...

Alex Valer

"The Monza has a unique look and a unique feel, but the results speak for themselves... I hit it right down the middle - the first try."

– Alex Valer, 3 handicap

Kevin Doran, 4 handicap

"I wish I would have found this club 5 or 10 years ago...The Monza's gonna save me a couple bucks in Pro V1's... I don't miss the fairway with the Monza… and if I do, it's gonna be 5 yards instead of 25 yards offline with my typical driver."

– Kevin Doran, 4 handicap

Breakthrough Distance And Consistency-Boosting Features — Available For The First Time In ANY Club Design, Ever

“Cantilever” Effect

Monza starts with a crown that tapers down sharply behind the clubface... and combines that with ultra-thin steel used in its clubface.

This construction creates what Halstead calls a “cantilever” effect – and makes the Monza different from any other fairway wood, hybrid, or driver in the world today.

On impact, the face bends back and propels the ball like a missile down the fairway.

Even your miss-hits will travel farther than expected thanks to this amazing innovation.

Low Center of Gravity

The Monza’s loft is 14.5°, similar to a 3-wood but considerably stronger than most any hybrid.

Monza’s innovative design also pushes the center of gravity (CG) way down and well back in the clubhead, resulting in a very high launch angle and low backspin.

Which means, even while swinging DOWN like you do with your 7-iron... you’ll get the ball up quickly and easily, even from right fairway lies.

And shots off the tee will fly 10... 15... even 25 yards farther.

The CG is also positioned slightly toward the heel, making it easier to square the face through impact.

This means more draws, with fewer (if any) slices.

Wide, Rounded Sole

Monza also comes with an extra-wide, softly rounded sole for clean contact...

Unlike most hybrids, which have fairly narrow soles from front to back, the Monza’s is nice and wide like a fairway wood.

This width, plus the sole’s gentle camber or curvature, help the clubhead glide across turf and through rough.

You’ll make sharp, clean contact from any lie you can dream up.

Better yet: The Monza’s sole will never, ever dig into the ground – meaning fat shots are suddenly a non-factor.

Top-Line Alignment

Monza’s top-line alignment also gives you deadeye aim...

Instead of the usual, single directional line pointing toward the target, the Monza boasts a unique set of four parallel lines across the top and above the clubface.

Set the Monza behind the ball and you’ll be amazed how easy it is to align right on the money.

Exclusive High-Launch Shaft

Last but not least, Monza is built with a proprietary, high-launch shaft...

To match the innovative technology in the clubhead, Jeff and company crafted a graphite shaft with the ideal launch qualities needed to maximize Monza’s performance.

Available in five flexes, the shaft delivers extreme height and carry distance, along with remarkable accuracy.

Monza represents a true breakthrough in club technology... helping you avoid all of the mishits caused by needing to hit UP with your driver... and finally use your most consistent swing to make center strike contact, every single time.

Just $97

(80% Off High-End Driver Costs)

And Just In Case You’re Wondering,
But Won’t I Lose Carry And Distance?”

The answer is NO.

Because as we just learned, the #1 issue robbing golfers of distance is trying to swing UP and making perfectly flush contact on a ball suspended in midair.

For all of the reasons I already walked you through — this is extremely hard to do consistently.

Most guys who do started playing at a young age, put in tons of practice time, and have world-class hand-eye coordination and timing.

But if that’s not you — who says you should be forced to suffer through short, mishit drives and nightmare rounds? You shouldn’t!

And with Monza, you won’t have to.

Here’s Why Monza Is Equally Or More Effective
Than Your Driver Off The Tee

Because if you’re like the guys in our case studies — the pure contact you make with Monza will have you matching or even BEATING your average driver distance.

It’s sensational off the deck – no matter how thin or thick the grass, how firm or soft the turf.

And in the unlikely event you do ever miss-hit the Monza, it’s forgiving as all get-out.

Of course, everyone promises the moon — most don’t deliver.

That’s why Jeff and the makers of Monza are so confident — they’re offering the strongest guarantee possible.

Backed By 60-Days Unconditional, Money-Back Guarantee

Take 60 full days to try out Monza. Take it to the range.

Follow the 5-shot practice sequence sent to you upon purchase.

Hit the Monza as much as humanly possible, put it to the test, treat as you would any club you own and use.

Yes, in the highly unlikely event that Monza doesn’t help you dial in your consistency... add 15 to 25 yards of laser accurate distance off the tee... and give you the confidence to shoot lower scores...

Then simply let us know, and we’ll give you instructions for getting a prompt refund, no questions asked.

That’s how confident the team is that Monza WILL deliver the results you’ve been looking for all this time.

They really want you to give it a full workout...

Money-Back Guarantee

  • You MUST find that it helps you with longer, more accurate tee shots...
  • It MUST make your approaches more dead-on target...
  • And it MUST become the go-to layup club you’ve always wanted but never had...

Or you can simply return it — and we’ll refund what you paid.

You Get Powerful Training Program —
The 5-Shot Fairway Finder Series, FREE

The 5-Shot Fairway

This step-by-step video training will help master Monza in just 5 practice shots... and never miss the center of the clubface, ever again.

This program is designed to help you master this powerful practice sequence...

Which is designed to help you master Monza — without changing your swing.

That’s right, ZERO changes to your current 7-iron swing to make consistent, center strike contact.

Most companies would charge up to $229 for training like this.

But with Monza, you get it absolutely FREE.

Monza Delivers All This At A Price That’s Almost
Too Good To Be True

The 5-Shot FairwaMonza with Pace Technology

You’re gonna love that, too.

Because you’re part of a tiny audience invited to test-drive the Monza, you’ll save a bundle on this first-of-its-kind club.

Whereas many new drivers with the latest technology... can run you upwards of $500... $600... or even $800 plus...

And yet STILL require you to hit UP on the ball, making consistent center strike contact nearly impossible...

Monza leverages breakthroughs created by one of the world’s leading club designers...

So you can hit DOWN on the ball off the tee, with the high launch of your normal driver...

While adding considerable distance and consistency to your drives.

In Fact, Monza Costs 72% Less Than Many “High End”
Drivers That Often FAIL To Deliver

That’s right: Monza won’t cost you anywhere near the $600 to $800 many high-end drivers run you...

It won’t cost you $500... it won’t even cost you $400.

No, because when you order today — Monza is just $97.

That’s insane given the technology and performance it delivers.

So what are you waiting for?

With Monza, you address the #1 cause of inconsistency and distance struggles...

Which is trying to hit UP on the ball... and never making center strike contact.

For The First Time Ever, You Can Hit DOWN
With Your Driver...

High Launch Technology

Just like you do your 7-iron...

And generate high launch — while making the most flush contact of your life, over and over.

This will almost immediately add 10... 15... even 25 plus yards off the tee...

Supercharge your consistency...

And help you finally become the confident golfer you’ve always known you could be.

We’ve worked with a LOT of golfers... from top pros to struggling amateurs, and everything in between.

And frankly, there’s never been anything like Monza.

It’s a true revolution in driver technology, and it’s going to change the lives of millions of golfers all over the world.

Given everything you’ve learned today and the generous guarantee, we encourage anyone watching to test-drive Monza RISK-FREE today.

Do that now... and I’ll see you inside the accompanying training videos.

Your 3 FREE Bonus Gifts

One last thing... and I know you're going to love it.

You're not only getting the Monza Hybrid Driver today!

I'm going to give you - absolutely free - 3 very special gifts if you act right now.
These gifts have a combined value of $397, and together,
they're designed to give you everything you need
to truly transform your golf game.
In fact, the first two gifts alone may well cause you to shoot your lowest score ever on your very next round.

Because these two mini-clinics are filled with the very same secrets that I give to my private coaching students who fly in and pay me a fortune.

The first is one that I call...

3 Tricks That Completely Eliminate Chunked Chips

How many times do you reach for that putter off the green just hoping you don't have to chip - instead putting - from off the green, and watching as your ball bounces up in the air with no hope of rolling anywhere near the pin?

It's so embarrassing, right?

Well, that all ends today.

In this chipping mini-clinic, you'll discover...
  • My no-hands technique for chipping that instantly eliminates chunked chips...
  • The anti-chunk setup that guarantees crisp contact your very next time out...
  • A nifty little hack from Phil Mickelson that I call "The lock and press," which guarantees flush contact and distance control...
  • My chipping secret for "automatic spin," also known around the green as the “Two-Hop and Stop." This insider move will have you stopping it on a dime for both perfect distance control and easy up and ins, no matter the lie...
  • And a whole lot more!
Don't miss this opportunity to finally conquer - once and for all - one of the most vexing shots in golf.

Your second mini-clinic concerns a topic that, for most golfers I know, is a way to banish double bogeys from your scorecard.

I call it...

Get Out of Every Bunker in One Shot... Every Time

This clinic features my foolproof technique that keeps you from getting stuck in the bunker.

With it, you'll be so comfortable in the sand your friends may even nickname you "The Sandman."

You'll discover...
  • How to never open your clubface again while getting out of a bunker...
  • The "no-hands' takeaway that picks the ball right off the top of the sand without digging in...
  • How to swing square-to-square and watch the ball fly straight to the flag...
  • A secret trick that will have you spinning the ball back out of the bunker, so you can fly it all the way to the pin and stop it on a dime...
  • And much, much more!

Birdies Club 7-day Membership

And that's not all...

I've saved what may very well be the best for last.

When you request the Monza Hybrid Driver, I would like to thank you by giving you a third very special gift that can really next-level your game: a FREE 7-day membership in my elite Birdies Club.

How good is this?

Instant Access to savings with a click of the button.

Just take a test drive for an entire week and if you love it keep it and it's only $49.99 a month

Cancel anytime - No questions asked

Birdies Club is a 360-degree game-improvement experience with exclusive video content from some of the world's best instructors.

It's engineered to drop strokes from your score in every key area of your game and get you playing your best golf ever.

It's like having a full team of experts analyzing and improving everything about your game in real time.

That's right: it's behind-the-ropes, full-game instructional access to me and other big names you're sure to recognize, such as...
Bobby Wilson, a 5-time World Long-Drive Champion who still hits the ball over 330 yards - even at age 65. And he'll reveal his secrets for hitting long drives well into your golden years.

In fact, he's known as the Godfather of the long drive and the go-to guy for all the longest drivers in the world. He'll share with you the one downswing trick for "consistent distance" that he used to win the World Long Drive finals by lacing drivers over 350 yards - as straight as an arrow.
Bobby Wilson
And, of course, you'll be hearing plenty from yours truly with on-course playing lessons, putting tips and my favorite golf hacks.

As I said, that's just a small sample of our incredible faculty.

My dream team of mentors will break down every aspect of the game for you, going deep on every stroke-saving hack you can think of.
Jimmy Hanlin
Imagine having every problem with your game solved with a push of the button - simply by watching these powerful step-by-step coaching videos by world-class instructors that attack your exact issue!!
Say you're on hole 3, after chunking back-to-back iron shots. You take a beat, simply open the Birdies Club on your phone, and watch "how to stop hitting fat iron shots" - and, in just a few short minutes, your short game is instantly fixed, mid-round.

Now, that's pretty cool!

And if you have questions, the Birdies Club concierge team will be just an email away, ready with answers and helpful advice about your swing or your game.
And as if that weren't already enough...

Members are also entitled to deep, members-only discounts on drivers, wedges and training aids.

Now, what does the Birdies Club cost? Nothing - for the next 7 days!
You get full access FREE for 7 days - to put it through its paces and get everything you can out of it!

If you love it, do nothing and - after 7 days - we'll bill you at the low, discounted price of $49.99 a month. (Heck, you'll easily make this back from your member discounts alone.)
Of course, you can cancel anytime by emailing [email protected]. (Don't worry, contact info is on every communication we send to you - we're always easy to get hold of.)

If, for any reason, you don't love it (or for no reason at all), just let us know anytime within 7 days, and you won't be charged a single penny.

Remember, if you're not happy, we're not happy. So you'll get no hassles no matter what you decide. No questions asked.

Naturally, whether you continue with the Birdies Club or not, the Monza Hybrid Driver and your two mini-clinics are yours to keep... forever.

But I know you're gonna be thrilled once you log in and see what it's like to have push-button access to solve every pain point in your golf game, and experience the power and calm confidence with world-class golf instruction behind you.

Just $97

(80% Off High-End Driver Costs)


Here’s Everything You’re
Getting When You Order your
14.5° Loft Monza Today


PLUS Our No-Risk 60-Day, 100% Money Back
Guarantee and Our Unconditional Refund Policy

Bonus 1

3 Tricks That Completely Eliminate Chunked Chips

How many times do you reach for that putter off the green just hoping you don't have to chip - instead putting - from off the green, and watching as your ball bounces up in the air with no hope of rolling anywhere near the pin?

PRICE: $197.00 FREE

Bonus 2

Get Out of Every Bunker in One Shot... Every Time

This clinic features my foolproof technique that keeps you from getting stuck in the bunker. With it, you'll be so comfortable in the sand your friends may even nickname you "The Sandman."

PRICE: $250.00 FREE

Bonus 3

Birdies Club 7-day Membership

Birdies Club 7-Day Free Pass. Advanced video training that covers Driving, Irons, Short game, and Putting. Drop 5-7 shots from your handicap. (7 Days FREE and then $49.99 a month).

PRICE: $97.00 FREE

TOTAL VALUE: $544.00
Your Price: Only $97

14.5o Loft

Single Club



14.5o loft off the tee.
YES! I Want The Single Club Today!
Choose right-handed shaft type below:
Senior Plus
Need a LEFT-handed club?
Choose left-handed shaft type below:
Regular LH
Senior LH
Senior + LH
Stiff LH
Ladies LH

60-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee
And Unconditional Refund Policy

Shaft Flex Type Average Clubhead Speed Average Driving Distance
Stiff 90 MPH 250+ yards
Regular 80-90 MPH 200 - 240 yards
Senior 70-80 MPH 175 - 200 yards
Senior Plus 70 MPH 175 yards